Implementation for Global ERP's

Right solution within scheduled time & budget for all your business needs

Implement Right ERP Technology Using Right Expertise

We believe in streamlining the process with best industry standard practices and providing a seamless integrated system. Better tested solution, supported with business analytics through dashboards and customized reports is our vision for every customer.


 Requirement Validation and Analysis

ERP Requirement Validation and analysis stage sets up the ERP implementation direction. Right Understanding of the requirements and solution mapping will determine the success.

 Design, Configure and Develop

Design, Configure and Develop the ERP application to map the business process. Migrate the data to make the system Production-ready pilot for the next phase.

 Application Testing and Training

Application Testing and Training users are a mission critical step. Validation of Solutions and Learning a new way of operating will require a significant time & commitment.

 Cutover and Big-Bang/phased Go-Live

Cutover and Big-Bang/phased Go-Live stage will embrace business and IT providing lifeline to the business. Improve continually to stay ahead of competition.

ERP Implementation Methodology

Properly planned, adequately supported and managed Implementations by a motivated cross-functional team using Right methodology, templates, tools & accelerators will bring required benefit to the customers.

Vertical Centric Solutions

Vertical centric solution during the implementation to ensure product and business process are mapped to achieve complete end to end solution. These Solutions will Integrate disparate departments and Processes to achieve higher business efficiency.

Accelerated Approach

Aimed at accelerated and value driven approach to achieve higher business efficiency and revenues. Our team will ensure a Scalable and simplified Solution provided to an end user helps to reap long-term success from ERP Implementations.